Yoga & Meditation


Exploring different rhythm’s of breathework to promote relaxation, increase lung capacity & all the immense health benefits pranayama offers. Through conscious, controlled breathing we switch on the parasympathetic nervous system, producing anti-stress enzymes and hormones so we feel calm, reenergised and balanced 

Spiritual effect: Accessing different dimensions of consciousness can be achieved through pranayama( no drugs needed, completely natural) 


Through ancient yogic texts the asanas(postures) part of a yogis practice was merely there to prepare the body for meditation

Each session involves slow, mindful breath lead movements where we turn our focus inwards… feeling the sensations of each part of the body, releasing to gravity & building strength & stability within mind and body.

Increasing mobility & flexibility whilst safely staying within our own unique range of movement - no forcing, no pushing, you know your body best!


Meditation is a way to gain calmness, peace and well being , as we move into a more mindful & balanced state of pure present moment awareness.

We connect to our super-conscious mind helping us to make habit changes, reduce stress and improving sleep quality. As the noise of the mind quiets, we create distance from critical & negative thought patterns.

Each day we are challenged with stresses so it is vitally important for our nervous system to take a break , to unplug, to recycle, to rejuvenate.

When the mind relaxes and lets go, the body, and breathe follows.


all my classes have an element of focus on our energetic body & our chakra system - mantras, mudras, asanas & pranayama are all ways to encourage the flow of prana within all the layers of our being (koshas)

Each class is finished with reiki whether that be through hands on healing, shavasana massage or the reiki drum...this beautiful finishing touch will have you walking  away feeling re-energised, balanced, calm & ready to take on the world